In our daily life we often use talismans and lucky charms. Many celebrities believe in them, store, and believe that thanks to them have managed to achieve success in career. Your attention is a couple of ways to make a good luck charm with your own hands.
If you make a lucky charm with the hands, if it will helpEven if you consider yourself a man of success, it is still a little bit of luck never hurts. For this you need to make a good luck charm. Luck is an important element of any successful business and the company and, therefore, with the object of magic to luck your life will definitely improve. You can get your personal mascot in three possible ways:
- find randomly;
- do with your hands;
- buy in a store.
Which option you choose depends on how much powerful is its action.
An excellent good luck can be accidentally found on sea shells, or stones. Four-leaf clover is another option, mascot, good luck charm, known for its strength since ancient times. If near your house there is a plant, it is possible to decipher the research of the flower is four-petaled. Dry the plant and bring it always with you safe and sound. You can make a pendant around the neck, using a transparent cabochon.
It is a widespread opinion that all accidents are not random, and then, suddenly you find things, perhaps, have been designed for you. Your sixth sense tells me that a stone or a shell choose among many others. You acknowledge, by a person to make a good luck charm. If you want to, thankfully has not brought the stone, then go in search of a river or in the seashore. Accidental discoveries do not have need of rites of purification, or energy to recharge. This, according to many, the gifts from on high.
The coins is a symbol of luck and wealth. If you have found a product that is dated the year of your birth, then consider that it is a great fortune. The coin can be used as a good luck talisman professional and financial affairs.
If you can't find artifacts, you can make a good luck charm with your own hands. This is a good alternative, because in the process of creativity, a topic that will be already filled up your energy. You will not need to get used to new things, as happens with the products purchased. Often home-made talismans need to activate. For magic item has always had the strength, his need to be constantly feeding the energy flows.
You can make jewelry, herbal sachets, painting, metal products, e.g. horseshoes, and other things. Your choice is not limited: it can do everything that it just happens. Some people want to make with their own hands is not only a fantasy of the product, and magical talismans, filling their magical power.
Try to make your own with some items of costume jewelry, a keychain or any other simple thing. Do not try to create products with a sophisticated production technology, if you are not sure of the success of this case.

4 ways to make the mascot good luck with your hands
Ribbon embroidered with elements
In ancient times, people worshipped the heavenly luminaries and the elements, considering that they possess magical powers. And this is not the case: the elements, the moon, the sun in any way affect the status of the human body, therefore, can form the basis for the manufacture of the protection of the mascot.
For the creativity that we need: true tape bright red, or color gold, colored wires (with natural materials), the needle. It is not possible to use synthetic materials, natural, made of silk or cotton fabrics. The wires can be made of wool. So a good luck charm very easy to do, and the manufacturer of it will cost you very little, but this process requires perseverance.
Armed with needle with thread, embroidery drawings of the sun, moon, earth, air and water elemental. These can be individual items, and their combination. The silos in the pictures will not add charm. All the details you need to think in advance. To make the embroidery of the moon, suitable for silver or a solid orange, the sun, of course, must be yellow, the water blue, the land brown, and the wind – grey.
Home-made a good luck charm will reliably protect you and your family from all negative situations, but also to attract wealth, good fortune and serenity.
Mascot according to the sign of the zodiac
To make a magic item for luck by yourself, you can take it as a base for your zodiac sign. For example, in the role of a mascot can act stone, or animal, that represents the cycle of the zodiac. What are the stones you can use?
- Aries – amethyst, heliotrope.
- Toro – jade, agate.
- Twins – the pomegranate, the beryl.
- Cancers – emerald, calcite.
- Lions – ruby, serpentine.
- Virgin – jasper's-eye, kyanite.
- Balance – the diamond.
- Scorpio – opal cat's eyes.
- Sagittarius – turquoise, lapis lazuli.
- Capricorn – onyx, malachite.
- Aquarius – sapphire, obsidian.
- Fish – peridot, moon stone.
These stones are talismans good luck charms, and not many of them in order to draw to himself the wealth. Therefore, to make a magical item in money and luck, to use, and the second component of a coin.
The coin can be anything, simple or with some value, known only to you (for example, wedding gift, souvenirs, travel, etc.).
To give an object to be able to do the following: with the full moon, dropping a coin in a container with water and put it on the sill of the window so that the light of the moon shining on the vase. You should ask the moon to give your money the force of attraction of fortune and wealth. The water is a kind of lens that enhances the action of the moon, exactly as a magnifying glass, which is needed for kindle fire.
For the conservation of the mascot you need to make a case – pouch of red velvet, decorate that can be embroidered your name or initials. In addition to the name, the decoration, and gain magic item you can embroider runes of magic. In this case, you will be able to keep your lucky charm – jewelry and a coin. Being in a bag, that they complement each other energy and strength that will bring you wealth and luck. The mascot should not be a universal object domain, and the personal object: it is not possible to give, to give, to show to strangers.
If you have decided to make a lucky charm alone, find the right piece of wood and sharpen the knife. Tree, you can use absolutely any, but strong, and not the old material. Depending on your talents and skills, you can cut it with a knife, animal, human figure or normal geometry. The main rule is not to leave sharp edges. In the event that you decide to do the cube, make its corners round. The main part for the mascot we have, now you need to put the image of the runes, bring good luck.
You need to remember that the runes are very revealing of the symbols, therefore, in the process of formation of the base and cutting runes is very important to keep in mind what you want to invest in your mascot. For example, if you want to be always been lucky and all managed, that he doesn't understand and repeat to yourself: "I have always had good luck and everything is possible!".
When applied to runes, don't take your time first to feel the material, and only then proceed to the cutting of runes. Inflicting a mark on the mascot, you say the name of the rune, its value, and all that she is tied. It is very important when you apply runes you have formed a combination of meanings, images and feelings. Only in this case can be a strong magic talisman for good luck.
Magic wax
If you believe in the magical properties of this ritual, one can do very powerful talisman, bringing a huge success and a great wealth. Moreover, the more you believe in his strength, the better it will operate.
The first is the candle: it must be small in size, but, above all, it should like to force. No matter what will be the tone, of what form, is important to you "he lay down at her side, the soul." Do the conspiracy better in the crescent moon
.Place the candle in the glass, turn the camera on. There will be no need to learn some special words, just try to express their desires, and to transmit their energy to the spark plug. Until the candle is not released, it is time to tell her all their wishes and dreams, and share your fears. Slowly melts the wax will absorb your wishes, experiences and will take you in the future good fortune and deliverance from adversity.
Time after the burning of a wax candle need to leave them in peace until the complete solidification. Models of wax and a reflection of your energy.
Frozen action figures, the resulting wax, it is possible to put in a medallion, which will become your lucky charm and wealth. As an option, you can use the fabric of the bag, a toy or jewelry. Magic object on the fortune and wealth must always accompany and never leave the owner. The only way for the mascot will be able to put into practice all of its functions and to bring good luck and financial prosperity.

If you have something very want to, but the desire does not come true, you must help himself in its implementation. For this you need to make a simple ritual. Take some object of jewelry, for example, the ring. Select the day, when the moon will continue to grow, as it is in this moment, it could change your life for the better, adding new events. On this day you should dedicate himself completely to the ritual, left alone with yourself, and do not engage in any foreign affairs. Weather conditions also has a great value: if the sky is cloudy and the moon is not seen, it is better to perform a ritual for another day.
Before you begin to commit the ritual, clean up the magic ring, no matter if it was previously owned or it is just that the purchased goods. For the cleaning of the mascot lucky charms need a small cup with water and salt from the kitchen. Soak in the water and say the following:
Water, water, cleanse the ring from all the evil, all the superfluous. The water takes it all useless. Ring becomes pure in front of my eyes.
Give the ring to soak in the water for 5-10 minutes. Then to empty the cup, put the mascot and get out of the house. If you do not want to go out, at least click on the balcony. Take a look at the night shone, to the extend brush, which wears a ring, and say:
The light of the moon, help me! Ring of good fortune (love, wealth, health, etc.) zaryadi!
After this, remove the decoration and leave it on the ledge of the balcony. Go to sleep. In the morning, upon awakening, immediately wear a good luck charm and to register:
Ring on me! Luck (love, wealth, health, etc) to me!"
As you can see, it is very simple! Remember that for its manufacture it is important, and the material it is made of your ring: silver-helps to find love, the gold will make you rich, the tree will have a positive impact on health status and costume jewelry from simple metals will make life and fill her with harmony. On the other hand, it is always possible to modify the existing rules and make your silver ornament has brought the financial well-being. Don't forget to talk with her birthstone, to recharge your energy.
Since ancient times, the people deified the sun, adored, believed in him as god. Even now, in our life there is a sense of magic, associated with this object in the sky. The sun symbolizes the force and the light, the blessing and purification of the whole world, forcing the dark forces submit well. Therefore, if you decide to make a lucky charm with the symbols of the sun, can not doubt its strength and efficacy.
In the first place, it is necessary to choose the right material, the color should be yellow or orange, in the worst cases – white. If you already have such a fabric, then perfectly – you can save on your purchase. When the material has been found, it is time to begin a magical ritual.
The ritual must be held in a crescent moon and in the hours of daylight, better at noon, when the Sun is the most powerful energy. Put the prepared material for five minutes on a surface well-illuminated by the sun. Take the material and say:
Treasure in the hands will bring happiness, I will be lucky throughout the year!
With the scissors, make two circles with a diameter of approximately 20 cm and cut 16 ribbons of equal size. In nine albums, write what you dream. For example: "the Luck will always be with me!", "All my success stories!", "My wishes become reality!" etc in Addition to requests, you can also apply some kind of magic images in a note, spray the beloved toilet paper of water or greasy essential oil.
From the 16 ribbons make eight spokes, a fixed point for the two belts together. In each beam to attach a note, stomp rock wool. Preparations of tissue circles to form the half of the sun. The product is filled with wool and sew to the sun, the so-called rays.
A good luck charm it is ready for use. If you want to really have worked, it is necessary to keep always with him, to touch him, to tell him his plans, and devote their secrets, share your fears.